Charlie and Celestia Mathews
Charles Henry Mathews, son of Oliver and Margaret Ann Anglin Mathews, was born February 9, 1872, and died January 11, 1902, during an influenza epidemic. His wife, Celestia Ann Bromley Mathews, was the daughter of T. Smith and Martha Ann Thompson Bromley. She was born August 4, 1872, and died January 31, 1951. Charlie and Celestia had two sons, Fred Ellis Mathews and another who died in infancy. After Charlie’s death, Celestia married Ven Whitlow.
Celestia’s grandparents, Samuel and Sarah Bromley, were the first permanent settlers in the Brinker community, arriving from Lauderdale County, Alabama, in 1845. Charlie’s great-grandparents, Samuel and Keziah Mathews, arrived the following year and settled on the adjoining farm.